Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What do you like to do when you are feeling sick?


Ask me anything

Do you collect anything? 

yes coins stamps

Ask me anything

Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains?

both beach with mountains behind it

Ask me anything

Are you an artist?


Ask me anything

If you had the power to be invisible, how would you use it?

by sneeking into movies

Ask me anything

What video game have you played the most?

assassins creed

Ask me anything

How do you feel about roller coasters?

haven't been on one b4

Ask me anything

What would you do if you saw that a friend had a piece of food stuck between his or her teeth?

ask me again later

Ask me anything

What famous person would you most like to meet?

hayley williams

Ask me anything

Are you a hard worker?

not really

Ask me anything

What is the best present you have ever been given?


Ask me anything

Would you rather plan a party or attend one?


Ask me anything

What musical instrument would you most like to be able to play?


Ask me anything

Do you eat the frosting first on a cake?

yes yes yes

Ask me anything

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?


Ask me anything

What would you like your wedding song to be?

idk im only 19

Ask me anything

If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make?


Ask me anything

Chocolate or Vanilla?


Ask me anything

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


Ask me anything

If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?

hayley williams, selen gomez, and obama

Ask me anything

What is your favorite kind of pie?

mince and cheese

Ask me anything

Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?

none i hate it

Ask me anything

Do you trust your friends?


Ask me anything

What is the first word that you said as a baby?

idk i dnt remember

Ask me anything

What flower do you think is the prettiest?


Ask me anything

Do you prefer to be in the center of a room or toward the side?


Ask me anything

If you could only be with one person for the rest of your life, who would you choose?


Ask me anything

How much TV do you watch?


Ask me anything

What's your favorite place to visit?


Ask me anything

Would you rather be older or younger?


Ask me anything

If you were a pirate, what would your name be?


Ask me anything

Have you broken any bones? If so, how?

nope none

Ask me anything

Would you like to visit the past or future?


Ask me anything

If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?

the cool guy who is wise and gives great advice

Ask me anything

Do you get bored easily?

it depends

Ask me anything

What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?

family guy

Ask me anything

What is your favorite song?

friend zoned

Ask me anything

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

pair of kings

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

whats the hardest thing about driving....

i dont drive

Ask me anything

Want to win an autographed copy of my new single #SetTheNightOnFire? Just leave a comment on this video!


Ask me anything

Monday, March 26, 2012

Any birthdays in march?


Ask me anything

Is it weird for a girl to ask a boy out?

no its not

Ask me anything

Would you tell anyone if an alien abducted you for a night?

yea i would but they wouldn't belive me thjo

Ask me anything

do you still have feelings for your ex kristy?

no i dont i gotten over her after i dumped her for cheating on me but it turns out she didn't cared lol

Ask me anything

How do you describe love?

a feeling that is shared betwen everyone

Ask me anything

Do you like people that are talkative?

yes i do

Ask me anything

Do you shop at Journeys Kidz? If so, check out the #CamrynAllAccess video I teamed up to do with them! It's playing in the stores all across the US! :)


Ask me anything

hey! would be great if you checked out our brand new website! :D let us know what you think!


Ask me anything

Happy Tuesday! How is your week going so far? :)

good and yurs

Ask me anything

My Birthday is coming up. Its the 25th of March :)) I would love it if you could wish me a happy birthday and write a nice massege :) xoxo

sorry for late brithday note lol hope u had a good day

Ask me anything

My twitter is @TheMiracleAngel :) If you ask i could follow back :)


Ask me anything

Hey guys, I am so close to 100k followers on twitter. Follow me & trend #CamrynTo100k! @CamrynRocks


Ask me anything

Are you more relaxed alone or with others?

it depends

Ask me anything

Thursday, January 26, 2012

What website do you spend the most time on?

youtube tagged and facebook

Ask me anything

Who is your favorite singer?

hmmm ask me again later

Ask me anything

If you could have been the author of any book, what would it have been?

harry potter

Ask me anything

How often do you use a computer?

everyday or 2 days

Ask me anything

Has anything ever been stolen from you?

yes my wallet it was stolen on the bus card but the wallet was found about 30km away from the town

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

worms covered in chocolate

Ask me anything

What's your favorite vacation place?

dont have one at the moment

Ask me anything

Are you more of a talker or more of a listener?

bit of both depending on the topic

Ask me anything

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?


Ask me anything

What makes you laugh?

youtube clips

Ask me anything

My twitter friend made the FIRST official fan club for me - for Brazilian fans! check it out & be sure to let her know how cool it is! xoxo

ok will do

Ask me anything

Where do you like to hang out with friends?

anywhere as possible lol

Ask me anything

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Penis or vagina?

is that reall a question ?? can u be more detailed

Ask me anything

watch this video =)

watch this video =)

Answer here

Happy New Years everyone? How'd you spend it? I just got off my school tour & went swimming & dancing with my friends! #2012 - BRING IT!


Ask me anything

Do you believe in ghosts?

yes i do

Ask me anything

What do you find cute? (anything)

i cant say sorry hehe

Ask me anything

Describe your life in three words :) Mine is positive, fast and poetic :)))

hobnesty poliet kind

Ask me anything

I'm studying fashion and want to recreate this look. Do you think I should keep the hat?!/article/117/?ch=h.fs.AAB&rf=5


Ask me anything

Ever wonder what a typical day is like on my school tour? Check out this video to see how the days play out! What time do you normally wake up? Most days I am getting up as early as 4am to do interviews, homework, then head out to play the shows!


Ask me anything

My twitter just got hacked. It's @iBeliebinGomez and the hacker changed it into @zaynmaillk :'( I hope ill get my account back. Please pray for me.

will do

Ask me anything

Can you do me a favor? Click this link & nominate my twitter account: @CamrynRocks for a shorty award as #Singer! :) it would be much appreciated!


Ask me anything



Ask me anything

Do you like my single #SetTheNightOnFire? Check out this ACOUSTIC performance of it on Good Day Arkansas this morning!


Ask me anything

How do you show someone you like them???

u dnt show u tell them if u show u might make a dick out of ur self

Ask me anything

Who is your fav celeb? ♥

hayley williams

Ask me anything

my manager & band guys love to embarrass me when boys give me their numbers on tour! what are some things your friends or family do that totally embarrass you?


Ask me anything

Which planet would you want to visit and why?

neptune and i heard the weather is kinda good at this time of year

Ask me anything

What do you think about me?


Ask me anything

How much do you love Lana Del Rey?

hu is that?

Ask me anything

I asked a question saying what do you think about me and ALL of you said you dont know me its normal i dont know you guys too i wanna tell y'all that you can trust me ask me advice and give me secrets but i dont think you can give a secret on formspring :


Ask me anything

I want to buy this outfit for my 19 year old sister who loves vintage. Do you think she would like it? Vote 10 for yes.


Ask me anything

What's the last movie you saw in a theater?

harry potter

Ask me anything

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ask me anything

are you the guy whos in that video sheld999 spits it? if so haha what the fuck?!?! that video is funny as fuck

yes im the guy

Ask me anything

What is the last movie that you saw in a theater?

harry potter

Ask me anything

If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?

depends who is worthy enough

Ask me anything

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?


Ask me anything

Do you believe in God?


Ask me anything

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?


Ask me anything

Do you believe love at first sight?


Ask me anything

Lets say your 13 and you dont have a boyfriend. Would you get sad about it or say that you are too young for love

im not gay and i be like i have my whole life ahead of me there time to wait and enjoy life

Ask me anything

I played truth or dare and i was dared to ask this question; What age will you get married and what age will you have kids?

idk lollol maybe in the 30's

Ask me anything

What do you wanna be when you grow up? For me i want to be a writer thats my life and if i want to talk about my dream its to be a singer or a actress :)


Ask me anything

what are your thoughts on the "Sheld999 spits it" video that has been leaked onto the internet? is it really you?

yeah its me

Ask me anything

Smoke weed erry day


Ask me anything

How's Pikachu?

what r u on about that was a rumor

Ask me anything

have you ever indulged in arson

nope cause if u get caught its 5 years in jail

Ask me anything

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?


Ask me anything

Sunday, January 1, 2012

How will you celebrate the new year?

lol its 2 days ago so i was at pub lol its 2nd jan now

Ask me anything