Friday, August 19, 2011

What's is your zombies favorite movie?

umm zombie land

Ask me anything

Check out my new profile photo and respond!


Ask me anything

su pergale mielieji!!! 21 taškas uuuu


Ask me anything

realising formsprings just another way off telling people pointless crap.. like this message.

yup sure is

Ask me anything

is it true that you bleed when you have your first sex??

idk u might have to ask your girly mates on that no point asking a dude

Ask me anything

See that pregnant teen over there? She was raped. See that fat woman? She has a health problem. See that guy who is sobbing? His mother is dying. Don't judge people. You don't know their life. pass this on if you agree


Ask me anything


Ask me anything

Nu hola hola mieli žmonės :}


Ask me anything

tai kokie planai šiandienai ? :}


Ask me anything

žiūrit kasnors kaši? ;o**


Ask me anything

ką darytumėt mano vietoj jeigu jau būtumėt susiplanave ateitį maždaug ir tėvai jums pasakytu,kad turit kraustytys i Norvegija?


Ask me anything

koks orelis pas jumis ? ;D


Ask me anything



Ask me anything

Give me back my wife's cardigan!


Ask me anything

Que libros os han marcado mas en vuestra vida/What books have made you more in your life?


Ask me anything

You follow me . lol .


Ask me anything

¿En una batalla de robots gigantes, uno con la cara de Montserrat Caballé y grito hipohuracanado, y el otro una replica de Joseph Ratzinger que puede lanzarte ostias consagradas autodetonantes, quien ganaría? Razona tu respuesta.


Ask me anything

¿En una batalla de robots gigantes, uno con la cara de Montserrat Caballé y grito hipohuracanado, y el otro una replica de Joseph Ratzinger que puede lanzarte ostias consagradas autodetonantes, quien ganaría? Razona tu respuesta.


Ask me anything

¿Cada cuanto le cambiáis el agua a los peces? Yo cuando el agua se puede cortar con cuchillo y tenedor...


Ask me anything

wtf i didnt mean the thing about my picture wtf. . .


Ask me anything

If you support Justin Bieber press 'Ask Your Followers' :))


Ask me anything

How many languages can you speak?


Ask me anything