Wednesday, March 23, 2011


yes ik he is lol

Ask me anything

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?


Ask me anything

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?


Ask me anything

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

creepiest Indian

Ask me anything

If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?


Ask me anything

What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?


Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Please follow my sister: @MeVLizzy!! :) she's new on twitter :) ♥ THANK YOU

ill try to if i dont have follow limit

Ask me anything

You're favorite pick up line? :D

hey you turn my software into hardware or hey you will look good on me

Ask me anything

favorite talk show?

jeremy kyle

Ask me anything

shit soz; was meant to make it anonymous lol

ok ok

Ask me anything

What makes you happiest in life?

ummm tbh im not to sure

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

What's your favorite pasta dish?

mac n cheese

Ask me anything

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ask me anything

If you were getting kidnapped and had the chance to bring a friend along with you, Would you?


Ask me anything

If anyone needs help with cleaning up, anything at all, im here, just ask.

um na im all goods

Ask me anything

Hide your name and go onto my profile and write what you think about me (or don't, it's up to you) + ask me a question, send this one to all your contacts and see what you get.


Ask me anything

Your favorite The Ramones song?

wtf is that

Ask me anything

Thoughts on your thoughts?

ummm they awesome

Ask me anything

If you speak in English, say something that you know in Spanish! :D (From Argentina)

si lol

Ask me anything

What does this, 'hide my name' mean?


Ask me anything

Could somebody explain how to use #Cambio?? I'm new there and need really help. Would be soo nice if someone could help me. ♥

sorry idk what u on about

Ask me anything

no entiendo nada cuenta como pregunta?

ummmm what

Ask me anything

♫ ♥ Hey mister, where you headed?... Are you in a hurry? ...


Ask me anything

Hey guys! I'm planning a video of answering questions. So, spam me with questions. :) if u want to get mentioned, write your name afterwards. :) Love, ashley


Ask me anything

Hey guys! I'm planning a video of answering questions. So, spam me with questions. :) if u want to get mentioned, write your name afterwards. :) Love, ashley << this is serious


Ask me anything

Send this to all your formspring if you support cancer! if you dont, you have No Hear


Ask me anything

Send this to all your formspring if you support cancer! if you dont, you have No Heart!


Ask me anything

Sorry buddies, I really dont pretend you get mad with the message about cancer I send it, in fact, was the 1st time that I did, but all of you´re right that we dont will have a cure to cancer sending that, and may is annoying, I´ll dont send shit, sorry


Ask me anything



Ask me anything

Have you ever been in love ?

of course

Ask me anything

Thoughts on Sam Fatkinson?

who is he/she

Ask me anything

(illogical question) if you could marry any song, with which do you do?

wake me up when september ends

Ask me anything

Do you could die for our hero (celebrity, songwriter, singer, writer.... ...)? (if you have) ... ( and is figuratively)


Ask me anything

Do you envy anyone?


Ask me anything

Do you change and give EVERYTHING for your favorite Band, singer, ... ...?


Ask me anything

I'm not gunna call you dad. Even if theres a FIre !


Ask me anything

Who's the one person you can lean on, no matter what?

i cant say its secret

Ask me anything

Somebody spam me? I'm bored and want to answer questions :)


Ask me anything

How do you ask your followers questions?

easy go to their profile and ask

Ask me anything

What song is stuck in your head right now?

l;ittle jimmy

Ask me anything