Thursday, December 29, 2011

follow me on twitter if u want or check my youtube videos out - sheld999 is all u need to search

follow me on twitter if u want or check my youtube videos out - sheld999 is all u need to search

Answer here

Ask me questions about anything

Check out my new profile photo and respond!

its alright =)

Ask me anything

If you have tumblr, follow me ... I follow EVERYONE back! ;)

ok ill try follow me first and i follow back lol im too lazy same name as her sheld999

Ask me anything

Happy newyear!!! What do you wish for the new year? :D

for the best of goodluck to have and to get noticed so i can become famopus and earn good dole

Ask me anything

Justin Bieber, yay or nay?


Ask me anything

When is your bday??

1st december

Ask me anything

favorite tv show?

hmmm idk sorry

Ask me anything

heckyeahbieber, hellyesjustin, or dabieberworld? Help me!


Ask me anything

What did you get for Christmas or Hanukkah?


Ask me anything

Follow me on tumblr please. <3

ill try

Ask me anything

Do you like fast food?

yes i do

Ask me anything

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ask me questions about anything

whats best thing that could happen to you right now?

gettign askout by the girl i love

Ask me anything

whats the worst thing and best thing about love


Ask me anything

what or who is the most annoying thing/ person you know

chris mcfiwe

Ask me anything

whats your worst nightmare?


Ask me anything

whats the worst/ best thing about death?


Ask me anything

whats the best revenge tactic?

idk ask google

Ask me anything

ever gotten revenge? if so what did you do?

cant remebner

Ask me anything

whats the best thing that could happen to you right now?

a kiss or getting ask out byt he girl i like

Ask me anything

whats the worst thing that could happen to you right now?

earthquake making the archway above me fallen down

Ask me anything

Is there someone who you will always be dtf for?


Ask me anything

ever been 'hit on' by someone more than twice your age ?

yea once at the pub lol

Ask me anything

you can bring one person back, and they will be alive and healthy who do you bring back?


Ask me anything

What were you for Halloween?!


Ask me anything

you love your mom send this to 20 people , one girl didn't and her mom died 365 days later I love my mom sorry I can't ignore


Ask me anything

Friday, October 21, 2011

What one thing are you exceptionally bad at?


Ask me anything

If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?


Ask me anything

What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?


Ask me anything

Who was the last person to make you laugh?

7 days crew

Ask me anything

Do you believe in fate?


Ask me anything

Do you believe in fate?


Ask me anything

If you could change one thing that happened last year what would it be?


Ask me anything

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?


Ask me anything

What kind of music can you just not stand to listen to?


Ask me anything

What is your favorite holiday?

neslosn nz

Ask me anything

Who was your first crush?


Ask me anything

If you could only read one magazine for the rest of your life, which would it be?


Ask me anything

If you had to do one chore for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

feeding the pet

Ask me anything

Would you rather become engaged in a private or public setting?


Ask me anything

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


Ask me anything

Isn't this the cutest little thing in the whole entire world and you better agree with me.

yea it is =)

Ask me anything


hell yeah

Ask me anything

If you could only have one, who would you rather have in the music industry, Gaga or Britney?


Ask me anything

Best job you could ever have?

game tester

Ask me anything

who was the last person to give you a complement?

today to my cutie friend isabel

Ask me anything

whats the most awkward thing that you've ever been asked?

sex things lol

Ask me anything

What's something nice a friend has done for you?

drove me home

Ask me anything

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

why do i have 7000 followers


Ask me anything

this shit is dumb as hell. why are my questions being sent to everyone and their mom. this shit was cool when it first started


Ask me anything

excuse some of u dumb bitches TALKIN MAD SHIT FUFUFUFUFUFUFU


Ask me anything

i mean........... let's be honest..... the only cool thing about formspring is asking inappropriate anonymous questions.... RIGHT


Ask me anything

does any1 wanna b my friend


Ask me anything

Who's making me breakfast?


Ask me anything

Check out my new profile photo and respond!


Ask me anything


fuck yeah mate hbu

Ask me anything

Don't y'all love MONDAYS?!

yea kinda do lol

Ask me anything

What song do you have on repeat?!

eamob - i dont want you back lol

Ask me anything

WHO WOULD YOU RATHER? Robert De Niro or a bald George Clooney?


Ask me anything

Would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home?

cook at home

Ask me anything

Monday, September 5, 2011

What's your favorite movie quote?

say hello to my l;ittle friend or the boy who lived

Ask me anything

What music are you listening to today?


Ask me anything

What one thing are you exceptionally good at?


Ask me anything

If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?


Ask me anything

If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?

selen gomaz

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Who sent stuff around from my name? I do not support Drugs!!!

idk sorryu

Ask me anything

Which pony is the best?


Ask me anything

AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!


Ask me anything

Stefan Danailov (born December 9, 1942) is a Bulgarian actor and former Minister of Culture of Bulgaria (August 2005-July 2009).


Ask me anything

Dubleodre started to cockle. "Hahahaha! And How due u aspect me to know Ebony's not divisional?"


Ask me anything

"This cannot be." Snap said in a crisp voice as blood dripped from his hand where Dumblydore's wand had shot him. "There must be other factors." "YOU DON'T HAVE ANY!" I yelled in madly.


Ask me anything

Anyway, I started crying tears of blood and then I slit both of my wrists. They got all over my clothes so I took them off and jumped into the bath angrily while I put on a Linkin Park song at full volume.


Ask me anything

"Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?" asked Professor McGonagall.

um k

Ask me anything

Hottest fantasy. Go.

not telling

Ask me anything

What's your favorite saying?

to be or not to be that is the question

Ask me anything

Friday, August 19, 2011

What's is your zombies favorite movie?

umm zombie land

Ask me anything

Check out my new profile photo and respond!


Ask me anything

su pergale mielieji!!! 21 taškas uuuu


Ask me anything

realising formsprings just another way off telling people pointless crap.. like this message.

yup sure is

Ask me anything

is it true that you bleed when you have your first sex??

idk u might have to ask your girly mates on that no point asking a dude

Ask me anything

See that pregnant teen over there? She was raped. See that fat woman? She has a health problem. See that guy who is sobbing? His mother is dying. Don't judge people. You don't know their life. pass this on if you agree


Ask me anything


Ask me anything

Nu hola hola mieli žmonės :}


Ask me anything

tai kokie planai šiandienai ? :}


Ask me anything

žiūrit kasnors kaši? ;o**


Ask me anything

ką darytumėt mano vietoj jeigu jau būtumėt susiplanave ateitį maždaug ir tėvai jums pasakytu,kad turit kraustytys i Norvegija?


Ask me anything

koks orelis pas jumis ? ;D


Ask me anything



Ask me anything

Give me back my wife's cardigan!


Ask me anything

Que libros os han marcado mas en vuestra vida/What books have made you more in your life?


Ask me anything

You follow me . lol .


Ask me anything

¿En una batalla de robots gigantes, uno con la cara de Montserrat Caballé y grito hipohuracanado, y el otro una replica de Joseph Ratzinger que puede lanzarte ostias consagradas autodetonantes, quien ganaría? Razona tu respuesta.


Ask me anything

¿En una batalla de robots gigantes, uno con la cara de Montserrat Caballé y grito hipohuracanado, y el otro una replica de Joseph Ratzinger que puede lanzarte ostias consagradas autodetonantes, quien ganaría? Razona tu respuesta.


Ask me anything

¿Cada cuanto le cambiáis el agua a los peces? Yo cuando el agua se puede cortar con cuchillo y tenedor...


Ask me anything

wtf i didnt mean the thing about my picture wtf. . .


Ask me anything

If you support Justin Bieber press 'Ask Your Followers' :))


Ask me anything

How many languages can you speak?


Ask me anything

Sunday, July 31, 2011

kaip sekasi ?


Ask me anything

kokia jusu akiu spalva?


Ask me anything

ka veiki ? :}


Ask me anything

how r u today ? :)

good and u

Ask me anything

Whats the greatist thing in your life?


Ask me anything

suup ?


Ask me anything

ar jums patinka Christian beadles? jei taip, tai kuom? jei ne tai kodėl ? :}


Ask me anything

kokia spalva gražiausia?kodėl?


Ask me anything

kiek draugų turi facebooke?


Ask me anything

esi buvęs/us floridoj? jei taip, ar patiko? jei ne, ar norėtum ten nuvykti?kodėl?


Ask me anything

jei galėtum laika atsukti atgal,kuria minute atsuktum ?


Ask me anything

patinka bieber? jei taip tai kuom?jei ne tai kodėl? :}


Ask me anything

patinka ariana grande?jei taip kuom?jei ne tai kodėl?


Ask me anything

kada jūsų gimtadienis?


Ask me anything

kiek daugiausiai esi gavęs klausimų per vieną dieną?


Ask me anything

kiek tau metu ? :P


Ask me anything

koks tavo telefonas ? :D


Ask me anything

iš kokio miesto busi ? :D

=0 /????

Ask me anything

LABASvakaras dragužiiaii, ka veikiat ? :]


Ask me anything

gerai fainuoliai salduku jums :*


Ask me anything

sveikut sveikutėlei :D:D:D:D:D:D ką veikiat ?


Ask me anything

ka nuveikėt per šiandien ? :D


Ask me anything

labiau patinka kai karšta ir kepina saulė ar kai vėsu ir lyja ?


Ask me anything

tai kam čia nesimiega? :D


Ask me anything

What did you like the most about the snow ?

its white

Ask me anything

Check out my new profile photo and respond!

its awesome

Ask me anything

Monday, May 23, 2011

Favorite song at the moment?

give me verything tonight

Ask me anything

Hugs not drugs!

yes indeed u right

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

I've had a crush on you for a while but I couldn't admit it public. I even tattooed your name on my ass and posted here: p l a f a (.) c o m Sign up and search for my user: inIovewiththerealsheld999 and guess who I am

um k

Ask me anything

do u like chicken?

its ok

Ask me anything

I had mad sex with Jesus.


Ask me anything

Am I wrong for having sex at 13

well it depends who u asking most will say omg u #### others will say but your too young and most might say gb

Ask me anything

Fun things to do on a rainy day?

play games walk/bike in the rain

Ask me anything

Kate Nicolson


Ask me anything

how are you?


Ask me anything

It doesnt matter if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. send this on if you are against bullying. <3


Ask me anything

If you support Justin Bieber press 'Ask Your Followers' :))


Ask me anything

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


yes ik he is lol

Ask me anything

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?


Ask me anything

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?


Ask me anything

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

creepiest Indian

Ask me anything

If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?


Ask me anything

What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?


Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Please follow my sister: @MeVLizzy!! :) she's new on twitter :) ♥ THANK YOU

ill try to if i dont have follow limit

Ask me anything

You're favorite pick up line? :D

hey you turn my software into hardware or hey you will look good on me

Ask me anything

favorite talk show?

jeremy kyle

Ask me anything

shit soz; was meant to make it anonymous lol

ok ok

Ask me anything

What makes you happiest in life?

ummm tbh im not to sure

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

What's your favorite pasta dish?

mac n cheese

Ask me anything

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ask me anything

If you were getting kidnapped and had the chance to bring a friend along with you, Would you?


Ask me anything

If anyone needs help with cleaning up, anything at all, im here, just ask.

um na im all goods

Ask me anything

Hide your name and go onto my profile and write what you think about me (or don't, it's up to you) + ask me a question, send this one to all your contacts and see what you get.


Ask me anything

Your favorite The Ramones song?

wtf is that

Ask me anything

Thoughts on your thoughts?

ummm they awesome

Ask me anything

If you speak in English, say something that you know in Spanish! :D (From Argentina)

si lol

Ask me anything

What does this, 'hide my name' mean?


Ask me anything

Could somebody explain how to use #Cambio?? I'm new there and need really help. Would be soo nice if someone could help me. ♥

sorry idk what u on about

Ask me anything

no entiendo nada cuenta como pregunta?

ummmm what

Ask me anything

♫ ♥ Hey mister, where you headed?... Are you in a hurry? ...


Ask me anything

Hey guys! I'm planning a video of answering questions. So, spam me with questions. :) if u want to get mentioned, write your name afterwards. :) Love, ashley


Ask me anything

Hey guys! I'm planning a video of answering questions. So, spam me with questions. :) if u want to get mentioned, write your name afterwards. :) Love, ashley << this is serious


Ask me anything

Send this to all your formspring if you support cancer! if you dont, you have No Hear


Ask me anything

Send this to all your formspring if you support cancer! if you dont, you have No Heart!


Ask me anything

Sorry buddies, I really dont pretend you get mad with the message about cancer I send it, in fact, was the 1st time that I did, but all of you´re right that we dont will have a cure to cancer sending that, and may is annoying, I´ll dont send shit, sorry


Ask me anything



Ask me anything

Have you ever been in love ?

of course

Ask me anything

Thoughts on Sam Fatkinson?

who is he/she

Ask me anything

(illogical question) if you could marry any song, with which do you do?

wake me up when september ends

Ask me anything

Do you could die for our hero (celebrity, songwriter, singer, writer.... ...)? (if you have) ... ( and is figuratively)


Ask me anything

Do you envy anyone?


Ask me anything

Do you change and give EVERYTHING for your favorite Band, singer, ... ...?


Ask me anything

I'm not gunna call you dad. Even if theres a FIre !


Ask me anything

Who's the one person you can lean on, no matter what?

i cant say its secret

Ask me anything

Somebody spam me? I'm bored and want to answer questions :)


Ask me anything

How do you ask your followers questions?

easy go to their profile and ask

Ask me anything

What song is stuck in your head right now?

l;ittle jimmy

Ask me anything

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ask me anything

Post this if you are not scared to see how people think of you ; 1-decent , 2-cute , 3 fine as hell , 4 - i'd date you , 5- pretty damn sexy , 6- loveable , 7- just a friend , 9 - sexiest person i know! 10- amazing , 11- I've check you out

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 but wheres 8 ??

Ask me anything

Anal or Rimjob?


Ask me anything

You're not therealsheld999 I am!

sure sure gal

Ask me anything

IM A SLUT GUYS. ADMIT IT ;) pahhahaha

no ur not ur awesome sweet caring cute =)

Ask me anything

didnt mean to send that to everyone :L was only meant to go to the people that actually got the question "Emly Peplow is a slut. discuss" pahaha

she not a slut

Ask me anything

R.I.P Ailsa Johnston who lost her life to cancer this morning is was a loved member of the 1D family and will be missed )': </3 send this on if you care and hope some will win the fight against cancer unlike Ailsa<3 xxx


Ask me anything



Ask me anything

i got 'dared' to say hi to everyone that follows me. so hi ^^

hi hi

Ask me anything

Why is Ryan so cool? ;D

cuse he is

Ask me anything

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?


Ask me anything

If you could ask George W. Bush one question what would it be?


Ask me anything

Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?


Ask me anything

What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?

family guy

Ask me anything

What's your favorite season of the year?


Ask me anything

Ask me anything

A cancer patient only has one wish, to get better. I know that 97% of formspringers will not post this as an anon question, but my friends will be the 3% that do! In honour of someone who has died or is fighting cancer - send this to everyone <3

A cancer patient only has one wish, to get better. I know that 97% of formspringers will not post this as an anon question, but my friends will be the 3% that do! In honour of someone who has died or is fighting cancer - send this to everyone <3

Answer here

A cancer patient only has one wish, to get better. I know that 97% of formspringers will not post this as an anon question, but my friends will be the 3% that do! In honour of someone who has died or is fighting cancer - send this to everyone <3

ok will do

Ask me anything

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ask me anything


fuck i am mad at your fucking studpid fucking questions

Ask me anything


yes u r

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

drfghjkl;' lkghfdhjkl


Ask me anything



Ask me anything



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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


Ask me anything

Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


Ask me anything

Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


Ask me anything

Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


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Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


Ask me anything

Your question has been sent to therealsheld999. Ask another. Sign up to answer questions and follow sheld999's updates.


Ask me anything

Yo what time is there? Having fun? :)

tuesday 12.18pmn

Ask me anything

Yo what time is there? Having fun? :)

12.17pm tuesdsy

Ask me anything

What will you do today?

be lazy

Ask me anything

What does it feels dp be 18?

nothing but i get to but beer now

Ask me anything

What's your dream?

to be a famous actor/youtube star

Ask me anything

What's the most beautiful thing that ever happen to you

ummmm dk sorry

Ask me anything

The song you love but unfotunatley cannot hear any more because you played it too often?!

girl your amazing song

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

whats wrong with you?

nothing why

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Sunday, January 16, 2011

double rainbow guy is in adverts now have u heard this ???

double rainbow guy is in adverts now have u heard this ???

Answer here

Who's your favorite musician?

me lol na jks ummmm idk

Ask me anything

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?


Ask me anything

What was the worst concert you went to?

school concert lol

Ask me anything

What was the best advice you've ever received?

do it she knows u like her

Ask me anything

Who's the most famous person you've met?

lol i have told u this so many times already

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What was the worst movie you've ever seen?


Ask me anything

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?

i just had sex

Ask me anything

What's the best place near you to get a pizza?

either kaiapoi pizza or c plus pizza plus

Ask me anything

If you could ask George W. Bush one question what would it be?

where the bomb button

Ask me anything

If you had to perform at the circus, what trick would you do?


Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?

tv u can watch tv shows on comp[uters these days now lol

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

a wampolf cross bred of them both

Ask me anything

If you could be a star athlete in any sport, which sport would you pick?

table tennis

Ask me anything

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?

yea i do lol its called me lol

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

How would you describe your personality?


Ask me anything

Who's the most underrated athlete?

bob althlet

Ask me anything

Do you believe in luck?


Ask me anything

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

act cool no1 will notice anything

Ask me anything

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?


Ask me anything

Do u think u r a good kisser?


Ask me anything

The word you most over use?


Ask me anything

What do you think the name formspring means?

lol ummmmmmmm idk

Ask me anything

Do you think I am 1-false 2-annoying 3-bombb 4-beautiful 5-wonderful 6-amazing 7-intelligent 8-stupid 9-well 10-fun 11-sexy 12-not so bad 13-nice 14-cute 15-nervous 16-sweet 17-funny 18-fly 19-crazy 20-lovely? -pass it on :) xxx

idk sorry

Ask me anything

Favourite colour?

either blue or red

Ask me anything

Most treasured memory?

ummm 1st day of primary school

Ask me anything

Any fears?


Ask me anything

Would you homage me?

whats homage

Ask me anything

Most overused phrase?

idk lol

Ask me anything

I find you crying in your closet, what happened?

i see dead people lol thats what happened

Ask me anything

A stranger on the street is crying, what do you do?

just look weird at them

Ask me anything

What made your day today?

waking up lol

Ask me anything

Do you think I'm a neat freak?

no i dont

Ask me anything

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cats or Dogs?


Ask me anything

Are you a morning or night person?


Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What household chore do you hate to do the most?


Ask me anything

If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so you never had to do it again, what would it be?


Ask me anything

If you could look like anybody, who would it be?

harry potter

Ask me anything

I'm saying if she's messing you around and making you so upset that she's not really worth the hassel. Sorry man, but that's just how it is.

ok but if she really loved me she wouldn't lie or go into denal cuse she kisses me whenver im with her etc but no she not redy yet to be in a relationship grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Don't kill yourself man, things will get better :)

i wont just tones of fucking LIES going on

Ask me anything


no im fucking not ok im not A FUCKING FATHER GOT IT

Ask me anything

why do you say your gunna kill yourself, thats dum

idk ok i been going through rough times now ok so shut up

Ask me anything

Why are you naked?

im not naked

Ask me anything

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ask me anything

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?


Ask me anything

Do you believe in ghosts?

hell yeah

Ask me anything

What's one food you'll never eat again?

vegies like peas carrot corn etc

Ask me anything

Who's the most famous person you've met?

ummmmm andrew mertins,richie mccaw,jono lumu, todd blacker lol and many more they all famous to me inclu si and gary lol

Ask me anything

What's the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?

gave me food lol

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What's the best thing that happened to you in 2010?

graduating high school =)

Ask me anything

Best flavour chocolate? Ice cream? Cookie?

chocolate is bubbly white ice cream has to be goody goody gum drop and cookie has to be the subway m&m cookie lol

Ask me anything

Do you consider yourself "crazy?"

ummm prob

Ask me anything

Secret obsession?

hmmmm not too sure lol

Ask me anything

Worst habit?

saying lol awwww and hugs alot in txts

Ask me anything

What is the worst thing you've ever done to someone?

push them into a lake

Ask me anything

So, what are you having for dinner?

lol ummm amercian hotdogs

Ask me anything

What's your dream job?

hmmm not to sure sorry lol

Ask me anything

What would be your celebrity of choice to waltz into your bedroom this very second, and announce they were happily about to have sex with you

katy perry

Ask me anything

Go to your inbox. 7th text. What's it say

ruckaruckaali: THE snow is pilling up outside and i'm at home with pizza and some liquor to hold me over until this is all done.........

Ask me anything

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Do you believe in angels?

yes of course <3

Ask me anything

Who's the most underrated musician?


Ask me anything

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


Ask me anything

Where would you like to spend your retirement?

anywhere not a home lol

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If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?


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Star Trek or Star Wars?

star wars

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Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?


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If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

give half to @chrissy_

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Were you a Michael Jackson fan?

yes proud to be 1

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If you could go only to one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?


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Ask me anything

Is it true that you have an irrational fear of vagina?

wtf no i fucking do not

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Who are your bffls?

casey sophi k-hay becky

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If you could do one thig before you die what would it be ?

idk aye sorry

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are you going be a dad ae?

no im not

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