Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My question box is sooo empty... :PP

awwwwwww hugs

Ask me anything

Hey does anybody want to co-own my twitter account? Tweet me if your interested :) - http://twitter.com/xILoveeJustin THANKYOU x

hmmm i think about it

Ask me anything

Could you please follow my best friend @TrewBelieber ?? :))) She follows back AND is such a sweetheart! ♥

ok i will try my best to

Ask me anything

ask me (:

ask u what

Ask me anything

Are you actually retarded or is it just something you're faking to get attention.


Ask me anything

The last moment you was so happy?

last week december 1st

Ask me anything

Do you believe?

in what

Ask me anything

Okay, I'm asking: Do you believe - in God?


Ask me anything

You're favorite childhood song?

3 wheels on my wagon

Ask me anything

@ ALL WHO ARE FROM GERMANY!!! Weiß jemand ob man in DEUTSCHLAND schon Justin's neues Album kaufen kann?

say what

Ask me anything

What's one thing you wish for this upcoming Christmas?

money or someone there to love me for who i am

Ask me anything

Nicki Minaj OR Lady GaGa

lady gaga

Ask me anything