Monday, June 14, 2010

How do you respond to allegations that some content in your videos infringes international copyright laws?

wel it does o sa it yet f u uplode somnthing it wil say this content i owned by this parie ec

Ask me anything

Friday, June 11, 2010

What's your favorite genre of music?

dont have one

Ask me anything

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

hmmm mr hawkes

Ask me anything

Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?

one on my hand from when i was like 8 i cant remember what happened

Ask me anything

Do you believe in God?

hmmmm nope

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

hmmmm plamerston north

Ask me anything

Are you a fan of male genitalia?


Ask me anything

Is it true that you are a homosexual?

fuck off im not a homo

Ask me anything

Is it fun to answer computer-generated questions that no-one cares about?

alot of people do them ya know

Ask me anything

How is the pikachu doll?

what are you on about

Ask me anything

Are you the fake sheld999?

no im not

Ask me anything

Is a constructive way to spend your time?

no its just something for my fans to ask

Ask me anything

Apart from wasting time, what purpose do your youtube videos serve?

it gives me honours ya know

Ask me anything

I herdy u liek mudkipz

mudkips wtf that lol

Ask me anything

Why do you only go for girls 4-5 years younger than you?

well my last one was 4 the one b4 was 2

Ask me anything

At what time during the day did you record your critically acclaimed "Night blog" videos?

hmmmm it depends ya know like roughly around 9-1130pm

Ask me anything



Ask me anything

Were you a Michael Jackson fan?

yup he the bomb was a good singer but very tradic when it came to his death

Ask me anything

Are you a morning or night person?


Ask me anything

If you could attend any concert, what would it be?

paramore welly

Ask me anything

If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

hmmm elvis to las vages

Ask me anything

Who's the most underrated athlete?

you already asked me tjhis heaps of times

Ask me anything

are you really the real Sheld999?

yes i am someone else made a fake account on here about me im the real one indeed the one from kaiapoi and look at my picture and see

Ask me anything

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?

you will meet sheld999 in person 1 day no joke

Ask me anything

Who's the most underrated musician?


Ask me anything

What's your favorite sport?

table tennis

Ask me anything

What one thing are you exceptionally bad at?

um picking up chicks

Ask me anything

What's the origin of your name?


Ask me anything

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

spend it on beer

Ask me anything

What's your dream car?


Ask me anything

If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?

to the begining of time

Ask me anything

What was the best advice you've ever received?

idk hard to keep up

Ask me anything

What do you think is your most attractive feature?

my face or abs

Ask me anything

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

hard to say

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

can i be a hybreed

Ask me anything

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?

i will win the fight since i be wtaching the fight

Ask me anything

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

a allien

Ask me anything

What was the happiest moment in your life?

um being notice on youtube lol naa it has to be when i won a big bag of cookies

Ask me anything

Who and when was your first kiss?

a girl at primy school in year 4

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest man alive?

me aka sheld999

Ask me anything

What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will?

hmmm my old school work

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated athlete?

idk um bolt

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?


Ask me anything

If you could attend any concert, what would it be?

paramore ftw for ever

Ask me anything

Are you a morning or night person?


Ask me anything

Have you ever been fired? If so, why?

nope never

Ask me anything

Where would you like to spend your retirement?

anywhere that is expenisive so my kids have to pay for it lol

Ask me anything

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

hmm meat with chocohlate

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest woman alive?

demi lavto

Ask me anything

Cats or Dogs?


Ask me anything

Do you believe in life after death?


Ask me anything

What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?


Ask me anything

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?


Ask me anything

What was the most interesting place you've traveled to?


Ask me anything

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?


Ask me anything

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?


Ask me anything

Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?


Ask me anything

Who was your first crush?

um that was way back in year 3

Ask me anything

What's your favorite sport?

table tennis and im a coach for it iswell

Ask me anything

What's one food you'll never eat again?

um idk

Ask me anything

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?

my 1st kiss by 30h3

Ask me anything

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

um mine called midget dance

Ask me anything

If you could make one person fall in love with you who would it be?

i will make um hayley williams with the singer from greenday lol

Ask me anything